REGISTRATION: R200 yearly registration fee which includes the fitted vest, must please be paid by the first lesson.
DANCE CLASSES: 32 Lessons will be given from February to November. Some months only 1 lesson and some months 4-5 lessons. You DO NOT pay a monthly fee for lessons
received per month, but you pay monthly over 10 months for 32 lessons given throughout the year.
FEES: The monthly fee of R210 x 10, is to be paid by the 5th of every month in advance.
(1 February - 1 November)
CONCERT FEE: A concert fee will be payable in July.
TERMINATION: One month paid notice is required to terminate classes.
SAFETY: Dance Kids will not be held liable for any injuries or deaths, should they occur in any of our classes.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I have read, understood and will abide by the terms and conditions of Dance Kids.
POPIA Act: Section 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, provides that everyone has the right to privacy,
the right to privacy includes a right to protection against the unlawful collection, retention, dissemination and use of personal information,
the State must respect, protect, promote and fulfill the rights in the Bill of Rights and bearing in mind that consonant with the constitutional values of
democracy and openness, the need for economic and social progress, within the framework of the information society, requires the removal of
unnecessary impediments to the free flow of information, including personal information and in order to regulate, in harmony with international standards,
the processing of personal information by public and private bodies in a manner that gives effect to the right to privacy subject to justifiable limitations
that are aimed at protecting other rights and important interests.